Metal Injection Moulding specialist CMG Technologies is delighted to announce that its Quality Management System has been certified to the revised, internationally recognised ISO 9001:2015 standard.
Rachel Garrett, managing director, said: “Companies were given a three-year period in which to transition to the new standard but we decided to apply for it as soon as possible because we want our customers to be assured that we are fully certified to the updated standard.
“We facilitate the entire MIM process in house, here in the UK, from the tool design and build, to compounding the feedstock, through to the final sintering stage.
“This tight control at all stages allows us to manage the consistency and dimensional repeatability of the parts we produce enabling us to supply components of unrivalled quality to many sectors and maintain full certification to ISO 9001:2015.
“Changes introduced in the 2015 revision are intended to ensure that ISO 9001 continues to adapt to the different environments in which companies such as ourselves operate and we are delighted that we are one of the first companies to be formally certified to the new standard due to the strength of our system and operation,” she added.
CMG Technologies is an internationally renowned specialist in Metal Injection Moulding (MIM), providing injection moulded components to the medical, aerospace, automotive and industrial sectors since the late 1990s
Rachel adds: “Our team of senior engineers has more than 25 years of experience in developing MIM, enabling CMG Technologies to become technical leaders in our field as the UK’s leading MIM producer and this certification means our customers can continue to be assured that we have this official stamp of approval for the way we manage our systems.”
Carla Whyte, Senior Client Propositions Manager at UK standards body BSI, said: “CMG Technologies should be delighted that they have achieved this certification, which will undoubtedly give assurance to stakeholders and customers that they are carrying out best practice in quality management. This certification also demonstrates that the team is focused on continually improving their products and services helping them to be more resilient.”